0200 hrs – Grey for Now Games – SAS and LRDF

These are the first of the troops for 02 Hundred Hours from Grey for Now Games Desert Raid set, they are some lovely sculpts from Artizan Designs and the first miniatures from this firm I have painted.

Have to say they were a joy to paint, and I tried a new process with them both for painting and basing which I hope you will agree has turned out well.

The Long Range Desert Group were the forerunners to the SAS and supported the SAS in their actions in North Africa.

The new cards include these great miniatures and a new weather system to add variety and challenges into the game, I am looking forward to getting these guys out and into action.

When I have finished the Afrika Korps figures that come with the set I will share them with you.

Published by Hysnap - Gamer and Mental Health sufferer

I created this blog as a place to discuss Mental health issues. I chose to include Music ,PC Gaming videos and more recently tabletop gaming as all of these have helped with the management of my Mental Health and I thought people who find the Blog for these may also find the Mental Health resources useful. I am aware that a lot of people with Mental Health concerns are not aware that this is what they have or how to go about getting help, I know I was one of these people for at least 10 years. Therefore if one person is helped by the content on my Blog, if one person discovers the blog and gets a better understanding of Mental Health through the videos I post, then all the work will have been worthwhile. If not.. well I am enjoying making the videos and writing the blog, and doing things I enjoy helps my mental health so call it a self serving therapy.

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