Dungeon Bowl: College of Life

With the recent release of the Dungeon Bowl expansion set, my FLGS has decided to run a Dungeon Bowl day.

As part of this I offered to paint up the College of Life team from the expansion.

For a quick over view of the College of Life check out Scent of a Gamer’s post

So lets start with a few team photos

Now the halfling catcher

This includes 1 Halfling Hefty

and 3 Halfling hopeful linemen

A wood elf Catcher

A Wood Elf Thrower

A Wood Elf Blitzer

and 3 Wood Elf Linesmen

This gives you the following Roster –

If you have a Nurgle or Snotling team you can quickly enhance this further.

Published by Hysnap - Gamer and Mental Health sufferer

I created this blog as a place to discuss Mental health issues. I chose to include Music ,PC Gaming videos and more recently tabletop gaming as all of these have helped with the management of my Mental Health and I thought people who find the Blog for these may also find the Mental Health resources useful. I am aware that a lot of people with Mental Health concerns are not aware that this is what they have or how to go about getting help, I know I was one of these people for at least 10 years. Therefore if one person is helped by the content on my Blog, if one person discovers the blog and gets a better understanding of Mental Health through the videos I post, then all the work will have been worthwhile. If not.. well I am enjoying making the videos and writing the blog, and doing things I enjoy helps my mental health so call it a self serving therapy.

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