Napoleonic – French Carabinier’s

Clearing through my pile of shame I have now finished painting the last of the French I got for use with the Shako and Bayonets supplement for Muskets and Tomahawks.

First up we have some Carabinier’s the Elites of the French Light Regiments, each Light battalion had 1 company of these and they would deploy on the right flank. In Shako and Bayonets these have the light and veteran traits, the light trait allows them to choose to either use the Close Order or scout traits in a game, this needs to be chosen at the start of the game.

The Carabinier’s are easily identified by their all Blue uniforms and red plumes.

The models are Perry Miniatures Elite Companies.

Published by Hysnap - Gamer and Mental Health sufferer

I created this blog as a place to discuss Mental health issues. I chose to include Music ,PC Gaming videos and more recently tabletop gaming as all of these have helped with the management of my Mental Health and I thought people who find the Blog for these may also find the Mental Health resources useful. I am aware that a lot of people with Mental Health concerns are not aware that this is what they have or how to go about getting help, I know I was one of these people for at least 10 years. Therefore if one person is helped by the content on my Blog, if one person discovers the blog and gets a better understanding of Mental Health through the videos I post, then all the work will have been worthwhile. If not.. well I am enjoying making the videos and writing the blog, and doing things I enjoy helps my mental health so call it a self serving therapy.

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